I am a New York City-based writer, journalist, author, and editor and the founder of Write On Track LLC, a full-service consultancy dedicated to providing high-quality content and strategy to individuals and businesses.
I’ve written extensively on lifestyle topics, including career reinvention, health and wellness, personal finance, parenting, and divorce.
My work has been published or syndicated in The Washington Post, The Lily (by The Washington Post), Forbes, Entrepreneur, MarketWatch, Good Housekeeping, Cosmopolitan, Woman’s Day, Town & Country, InStyle, PBS’ Next Avenue, AARP, SheKnows, Yahoo!, MSN, HuffPost, POPSUGAR, Your Teen, Grown & Flown, Scary Mommy, CafeMom, MariaShriver dot com, and dozens of other well-known platforms worldwide.
I’m frequently called on for my expertise and insights and have been quoted in media brands such as The New York Times, The Seattle Times, HuffPost, and SheKnows.
A storyteller at heart, I also write engaging personal essays and reported pieces on my clients’ behalf for submission to well-known magazines and newspapers boasting a global readership.
With my guidance, industry experience, and proven track record, my clients have seen their bylines, backlinks, and quotes appear in highly recognizable names that include Forbes, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, MarketWatch, The New York Daily News, American Bar Association, Above the Law, Yahoo, MSN, PBS’ Next Avenue, HuffPost, ParentMap, Marin Magazine, Marin Living, Better, Your Teen, Scary Mommy, and Mantra Wellness (print).
My memoir in essays, I Bought My Husband’s Mistress Lingerie, was released on November 15, 2022, from Unsolicited Press.
Waking up every day to do what I love allows me to bring that same energy to my clients as I advise them on building their business and personal blogs to boost website traffic. I help my clients grow their presence and increase brand recognition by creating valuable SEO-rich website content, compelling profiles and bios, winning ad copy, and eye-catching press releases.
Over the years, and as a direct result of my legal education, life experience, and voice in the divorce community, I’ve developed an affinity for working with family law and estate planning attorneys. By communicating each law firm’s unique tone through reader education, example, and story, I connect potential new clients with the legal professionals best suited by skill and personality to represent them.
For a consultation and proposal for how I can help you better communicate your brand and message while improving your reach, exposure, and sales, email me at Stacey.Freeman@WriteOnTrackLLC.com or call 800-203-1946. Be sure to also check out our full menu of available services.
- AARP Disrupt Aging
- AARP The Ethel
- BLUNTmoms
- CafeMom
- Chapter 2 Club
- Chapter 2 Club
- Considerable
- Cosmopolitan
- CoveyClub
- Daily Plate of Crazy
- Digital Romance
- DivorceForce
- Divorced Girl Smiling
- DivorcedMoms
- Divorce Magazine
- Elephant Journal
- Entrepreneur
- Entrepreneur Philippines
- Forbes
- Good Housekeeping
- Greenwich Time
- Grown & Flown
- Her View From Home
- HuffPost
- HuffPost Canada
- HuffPost Germany
- InStyle
- it’s over easy
- Kveller
- Living the Second Act
- Macomb Daily
- Mamamia.com.au
- Maria Shriver
- MarketWatch
- MSN.com
- Next Avenue
- POPSUGAR Australia
- POPSUGAR Middle East
- Popular Mechanics
- Popular Mechanics
- Ravishly
- SheKnows
- Scary Mommy
- Scary Mommy
- Stuff
- Tablet
- TAPinto.net
- The Financial Diet
- The Good Men Project
- The Lily (Published by The Washington Post)
- The Mighty
- The New Zealand Herald
- The Sydney Morning Herald
- The Washington Post
- TODAY Parenting Team
- Town & Country
- Wealthysinglemommy.com
- Wealthysinglemommy.com
- Wevorce
- Woman’s Day
- Worthy
- xoJane
- Yahoo! Lifestyle
- Yahoo! Lifestyle
- Yahoo! Lifestyle
- Yahoo! Lifestyle
- Yahoo! Lifestyle
- Yahoo! Lifestyle
- Yahoo! News
- Yahoo! News
- Yahoo! News
- Yahoo! News
- Yahoo! News
- Your Tango
- Your Teen
- I Bought My Husband’s Mistress Lingerie w/ Stacey Freeman
- Let’s Talk Memoir: From Blog to Book Featuring Stacey Freeman
- Moms Moving On: Overcoming Infidelity
- The Bright Side of Life: Healing After Infidelity
- Doing Relationships Right: I Bought My Husband’s Mistress Lingerie – A True Story! With Author Stacey Freeman
- Negotiate Your Best Life With Rebecca Zung: I Bought My Husband’s Mistress Lingerie with Stacey Freeman
- Maximum Mom: The Roller Coaster of Divorce W/ Stacey Freeman (Audio)
- Maximum Mom: The Roller Coaster of Divorce W/ Stacey Freeman (Video)
- How Not to Suck at Divorce: I Bought My Husband’s Mistress Lingerie. With Author, Stacey Freeman
- Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle: Divorce Recovery — A Personal Journey With Stacey Freeman
- Moms Don’t Have Time to Move and Shake: Everything Matters: Taking an Integrative Approach to Optimizing Your Health
- Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle: Transitioning From SAHM To Working Mom With Stacey Freeman
- Destination Unknown: A Field Guide: Growing Through Transition
- Doing Relationships Right: Never say this to a single mom…with Stacey Freeman
- Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle: Rewriting Your Story After Divorce With Stacey Freeman
- The Steve Pomeranz Show: Managing Your Money To Create A New Life After Divorce
- Love Mechanics: Renee Piane Gets Real with Stacey Freeman about Dating Divorced Moms
- Dating in a New World (10/11/17)
- Dating in a New World (2/22/17)
- beliefnet
- 5 Stars Surviving Infidelity
- HuffPost
- Single During The Holidays? 17 People Share Their Favorite Traditions
- Gathering For The Holidays? Here’s How Different Families Are Handling It
- The Words That Ended My Marriage
- 9 Honest Thoughts Women Have When Their Ex-Husbands Remarry
- The 10 Worst Things Divorced People Do On Dates, According To Divorcés
- 10 Things Every Single Mom Knows To Be True
- What Love Looks Like As A Single Parent
- 10 Totally Unexpected Things You Feel During Divorce
- Cosa dovete sapere quando il vostro coniuge vi lascia
- What You Need To Know If Your Spouse Leaves You
- Divorce Magazine
- Divorce Marketing Group Acquires DivorcedMoms.com
- Goal Investor
- 5 Ways an Emergency Fund Can Help You Weather a Divorce
- The New York Times
- Company Markets Itself to the Newly Divorced With a Ring to Sell
- The Seattle Times
- A new take on the precious ring market, starting with divorce
- Vicinity Magazine
- Mom Publishes Memoir