9 Reasons Why You Should Be Blogging
A few years ago, I sat down at my computer with the intention of writing a book. Perched in front of my laptop at my kitchen’s center island, I began what I believed would be my first chapter. Nearly a year after that, that “chapter” instead became a blog post in a series of many, and the seeds of the career I always dreamed of were planted.
With an audience represented by more than 60 countries around the globe, I am frequently asked why I blog. Is it to tell my story? Is it to help others? Is it to earn money? The answer is yes, yes, and yes. There are even more yeses because the reasons for blogging are boundless and the benefits endless. Even better are when those perks come unexpectedly by way of opportunities never before imagined.
Depending on your reason or reasons, blogging can be an invaluable tool for reaching your goals. Here are nine reasons why you should be blogging and why today is a great day to start.
1. Tell your story. After going through a life-changing event, in my case the dissolution of my marriage, I felt as though my computer was calling to me. From the moment I set my fingers on the keyboard, my story began pouring out of me. If you have a story just waiting to be told, by all means tell it! Those tend to be the best kind because stories written from the heart are usually the ones that resonate most with others.
2. Process your thoughts. Blogging about the life change I was experiencing helped me crystalize my feelings and process my thoughts, allowing the healing to begin. I cannot imagine what I would have done without this platform, and I highly recommend writing as one way to deal with any traumatic event that disrupts or, in extreme cases, derails your life.
3. Help others. When I first began blogging I never realized how many others were going through similar situations. Almost immediately I began receiving comments and emails from readers telling me how my experience helped them grapple with their own. Everyone has the ability to make a difference. By sharing what you know, whether experience or expertise, you can help others improve their lives both personally and professionally.
4. Connect and engage with readers. Blogging is an effective way to reach people you would not otherwise communicate with by entering a conversation of mutual interest. From support and advice to practical knowledge, you never know what pertinent information will be exchanged and how you may one day benefit from it.
5. Feel better. Sure, I felt like a weight was being lifted off of me every time I shared my story. But what I quickly realized was helping others felt even better. There is nothing more gratifying and worthwhile than knowing you have touched and aided someone else in need. Almost immediately after starting to blog I felt relief.
6. Hone your skills. Becoming a professional writer was a lifelong dream for me but a dream I had not yet realized when I began blogging. I knew I was going to have to make my own way and prove myself first. Though initially I was only making pennies through my blogging efforts, I saw the value in what I was doing and treated it as I would any other paid position. That was a good call on my part. With every keystroke not only did I learn and improve, but I reaped many other benefits along the way.
7. Create an online resume. It was not long before I gained a loyal following and started to be recognized for my efforts. Within a few months, I had a growing list of publishing credits I would not otherwise have had if I was not blogging.
8. Drive traffic. A blog does not need to generate income directly in order to put money in your pocket. That is because blogging is a proven method for generating interest in your business so you can gain more clients or customers. The more familiar others become with your name, message, and areas of expertise, the more comfortable they will be turning to you when they need you most.
9. Learn and grow. Whether you are blogging to learn more about yourself, grow your business, or reach both ends, there is a sense of accomplishment whenever you look back and see how far you have come. Even better is having the wherewithal to look forward and recognize how far you can still go.